If you want the best possible UPS and/or FedEx rates, you'll need access to the same information as the carriers. UPS and FedEx don't share your shipping data with you, because they use it as leverage to maximize their profits. The carriers know exactly how to structure your contract to make the most money. If you don't know what to ask for, you'll never have the best possible rates.
With Lojistic's free Carrier Contract Optimization Guide, you'll get everything you need to negotiate improved rates and bigger discounts. You'll learn what to ask for and when to ask for it. The guide contains Lojistic's step-by-step process and helps to demystify carrier pricing.
We created this guide because we think that every shipper deserves the best possible carrier rates. Lojistic has helped over 1,500 businesses secure better rates and bigger discounts through carrier contract optimization. We've helped businesses of all sizes, across virtually every industry negotiate better contracts.
Optimizing your UPS contract or FedEx contract is one of the most effective ways to reduce your business's shipping expenses. Every shipper is unique, and so is the rate you pay UPS and/or FedEx. That means that each rate negotiation is completely custom. You can't compare your rates with anyone else's rates. Optimizing the rate you pay UPS/FedEx is dependent on shipping characteristics like volume, package sizes and weights, service requirements, geographic zones and more. Everything factors into the rate that you're paying. If you need help with negotiating with UPS and/or FedEx, our team of former pricing gurus can help. We'll tailor your negotiations to ensure you're getting the best possible rates.
How much can your UPS rates or FedEx rates be improved? It's time to stop guessing. Use Lojistic's free cost savings automation and analytics platform to validate and quantify your improvement opportunity. Create your free account here. With Lojistic, you'll have access to the same information as your carrier. It's a game-changer for shipping cost savings and for negotiating with UPS and FedEx. As a shipper, you'll finally have the advantage that you need to get the best possible rates - and with Lojistic, you'll have a clear understanding of how much you stand to gain.
Use the Carrier Contract Optimization Guide and your free Lojistic account as a starting point. We've also included a number of helpful resources, linked directly from the guide, that helps to explain the contract negotiation process. If you have any questions, or need help getting your negotiation started, visit our UPS & FedEx Rate Optimization page, or schedule a chat about optimizing your UPS and/or FedEx rates.
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