Parcel & Freight Shipping FAQ

General Parcel Freight Contract Negotiation Questions

I have the lowest shipping rates possible. How can Lojistic improve our parcel shipping contract?

It is common knowledge that freight and small parcel carriers sell freight shipping contracts that maximize carrier profit. Though your company may have a very qualified team of individuals managing small parcel and freight contract negotiations, it is probable that a lot of money was left on the negotiating table once the initial contract negotiating process was completed.

pricing experts at Lojistic use highly developed analytic software and industry knowledge to analyze current FedEx contracts and UPS shipping contracts. Lojistic's carrier pricing analytics, freight cost knowledge, carrier contract negotiation expertise, and shipping industry experience enable our team to precisely identify areas of opportunity to improve existing small parcel and freight contracts.

I am a great negotiator, why would I hire Lojistic to do something that I can do myself?

Expert negotiating abilities constitute a small part of Lojistic's toolset when reducing freight costs via freight and small parcel contract negotiations. Many shippers, parcel audit, freight audit companies try to compare FedEx and UPS freight contracts without using analytic software or the inside knowledge of former high-level carrier employees. An effective analysis of any small parcel carrier contract involves many variables. Lojistic has a proven track record of negotiating UPS contracts and FedEx contracts and will guarantee to reduce freight costs.

I just signed a new carrier contract. Do I have to wait for the shipping contract to expire before considering Lojistic's contract negotiation services?

Although each freight and small parcel carrier contract usually has a defined term, they can be revised at any time, and Lojistic can help optimize any revisions once contract negotiations begin. There is no reason to continue overpaying for freight and small parcel shipping. Our carrier pricing experts will perform an analysis of current shipping contracts to determine cost reduction opportunities. Lojistic will help improve your carrier agreement to reflect market leading incentives, bringing immediate and measurable freight cost savings to your business.

Will I have to switch small parcel carriers if I use your freight contract negotiation services?

Our contract negotiation solutions to reduce shipping costs do not require you to switch carriers or change current operational procedures. Lojistic's freight and small parcel negotiation services will present your company with market leading carrier pricing from both UPS and FedEx. It is entirely your decision which carrier contract(s) you elect to utilize.

I have a great relationship with my shipping carrier. Will hiring a third-party contract negotiator jeopardize that relationship?

One of the best ways to improve your carrier relationship is to remind them that they are not the only small parcel carrier and that they need to work to retain your business which means superior pricing and superior service. Our services help facilitate that "need to work" reminder, and in doing so will also significantly reduce shipping costs. Lojistic's customers often receive a higher level of service and attentiveness from their carrier after going through our carrier contract negotiating process.

I signed a confidentiality agreement with my carrier. How does that affect my decision to hire Lojistic?

All UPS and FedEx customers have a confidentiality clause in their carrier agreement(s). Our freight cost reduction services are designed to accommodate your confidentiality commitments to avoid any issues when negotiating contracts

How much do your parcel and freight contract negotiation services cost?

Compensation for our shipping contract negotiation services is limited to a contingent share of the actual freight cost savings generated by our service. Lojistic's freight contract services propose a risk free opportunity to reduce shipping costs. Our goal is to perform contract negotiations for our customers to maximize savings and help facilitate improved carrier service levels.

Will Lojistic guarantee to reduce shipping costs?

Yes, Lojistic will guarantee to reduce shipping costs. We produce measurable freight cost savings when negotiating contracts. Since our compensation is predicated by our ability to reduce freight costs, we will not want you as a customer unless we are 100% confident of our ability to improve your small parcel and freight contracts.

How much of my time will it take to go through this contract negotiating process?

The team at Lojistic provides the technology and contract negotiation resources to enable your company to stop overpaying your small parcel carriers. Our shipping contract solutions require virtually none of your time. Our team will manage service implementation, ensure optimal execution, and deliver maximum shipping cost savings. The bottom-line: You are very likely overpaying your carrier thousands and thousands of dollars. We can put a stop to that. We aren't asking you to believe us; just give us the opportunity to show you.

If I let Lojistic analyze my freight and parcel carrier contracts for potential freight cost saving opportunities, am I obligated to anything?

No. Our initial shipping contract analysis is conducted so that we can determine the level of freight cost reduction opportunity that exists within your company's current freight contracts. If we identify an opportunity to reduce shipping costs it will naturally make sense to consider our shipping contract negotiation services.

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