Get A Detailed Breakdown Of Your Shipping Costs
Trying to get better shipping rates?
Your Lojistic account provides a user-friendly analysis of your shipping costs.

Air vs Ground
Monitor trends in the UPS and FedEx services you're buying.
Your Lojistic account will illuminate volumes and costs related to air and ground services.

Assess the Impact of Surcharges
Are you accounting for the cost of all surcharges when you charge your customer for shipping?
Your Lojistic account will show you where (and how much) surcharges are impacting your total shipping costs.

Actual Weight vs Billed Weight
If there is a big difference between the actual weight and billed weight of your shipments,
the carrier's dimensional (DIM) pricing is negatively affecting your shipping costs. You can fix that.

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Unlimited users. All carriers. All modes.
Use Lojistic to manage and reduce shipping costs.