Lojistic Data Privacy & Security


Lojistic ("Company") realizes that visitors to our marketing site (lojistic.com) and users of the Lojistic software platform (app.lojistic.com) are interested to know how their information is treated. This statement sets forth our current policies and demonstrates our commitment to the privacy and security of visitor and software user information.

We only collect your personal information when it is supplied voluntarily. If you choose to use the Lojistic software platform or to submit personal information while browsing the Lojistic.com website, you agree to the use of such data in accordance with this privacy and security statement. In the future, we may change our website content and/or services, and consequently, our data privacy and security statement. Your continued use of our software and/or website following any modifications to this statement will be conclusively deemed acceptance of such changes. Please note that this site contains links to other sites, which may not be governed by this privacy and security statement. For example, we use various third-party services to help us manage and to facilitate website visitor and/or software user experiences. These services, which include but are not limited to Bing, Facebook, Google Analytics, Heap, HotJar, Intercom, LinkedIn, Pardot and YouTube API Services, each one having their own unique data privacy and security statement. If you have any questions regarding our privacy and security statement or do not feel that your concerns have been addressed, please contact us.


The Information We Gather

As a visitor to the public portion of the Company website, you are not required to submit any personal information and we do not monitor or collect any personally identifiable information from you in connection with your use of the public portions of our website. The site only collects personally identifiable information that is specifically and voluntarily provided by visitors. Such information may consist of, but is not limited to, your name, current job title, company address, email address and telephone number(s). We do not collect or seek sensitive information (e.g., data relating to race or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, criminal record, physical or mental health, or sexual orientation) from visitors.

To ensure that our website is well managed and to facilitate improved navigation within the site, we may use cookies (small text files stored in a user's browser) to collect aggregate data but such aggregate numbers will not identify you individually. We may track information in our systems and identify categories of visitors by items such as IP address, domain, browser and pages visited, for systems administration, troubleshooting purposes and to report aggregate information. This information is reported to our webmaster who uses the information to analyze the number of visitors to different areas of the site and to ensure that our website is serving as a useful and effective information source.

Our cookies do not collect any personal information such as your name or email address. Furthermore, most browsers do permit individuals to decline cookies. However, under specific circumstances, visitors may be denied access to some parts of our site if their browsers are set to decline cookies.

How We Use Your Information

If you register to use the password-protected portions of our site, we will ask you to provide us with certain information about yourself. Personal information is used only for limited purposes. For example, when you register with the Web site to gain access to our Careers section or request future communications about the Company, such as specific Company services or partner firm publications or marketing campaigns, we may use the information you submit to create a personal profile to customize our response to further requests or inquiries. We emphasize to our Company representatives the confidential nature of customer information and the high level of importance we place on maintaining this confidentiality. We will only use such information about you to verify your identity and eligibility to receive certain products or services, to provide information to you about products and services that we believe may be of interest to you, to record your interest in products or services we offer and to respond to your requests for information. We will ensure that our marketing activities comply with applicable law and implement procedures to obtain necessary consents before sending you emails containing information about Company service offerings. You may at any time request that we discontinue sending you such materials.

Disclosure of Information to Third Parties

Although we may provide visitors' information to service providers that handle information on our behalf, we typically do not share the information with third parties or other Company entities for secondary or unrelated purposes unless otherwise disclosed at the point of collection.

Personal information may be transmitted to third parties for the purposes identified above. This may include transfer to countries without data protection rules similar to those in effect in a visitor's country of residence. By providing information to the Company through this website, you are consenting to such transfers. Where appropriate, personal information may be disclosed to law enforcement, regulatory or other government agencies; third parties where necessary or desirable to comply with legal or regulatory obligations; to protect our rights and interests and those of our business partners or requests for the purposes identified above.

Access to Information

We are committed to providing reasonable access to visitors who wish to review the personal information retained when they register with the Careers section of our Web site and to correct any inaccuracies it may contain. Visitors who would like to request a copy of their personal information should contact us. In all cases we will treat requests to access information or change information in accordance with applicable legal requirements.


Although we have tried to create a secure and reliable website, the confidentiality of any communication or material transmitted via the site or by email cannot be guaranteed. When disclosing any personal information, all visitors should remain mindful of the fact that it is potentially accessible to others, and consequently, can potentially be collected and used by others without consent. Accordingly, visitors should consider carefully if they want to submit information that they would not want disclosed and should recognize that their use of the internet and our website is solely at their own risk. We have no responsibility or liability for the security of personal information transmitted via the Internet. We have in place reasonable commercial standards of technology and operational security to protect all information provided by visitors from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction.


The Information We Gather

We only collect your personal information when it is supplied voluntarily, such as your name and email address when creating an account. In these circumstances, industry standard security measures are used to ensure your information is safe. For example, your account password is securely hashed in a one-way, irreversible manner.

We also collect a variety of browsing-related data, such as your browser type, operating system and related information.

After linking a carrier to your Lojistic account, the application collects the following information in an automated fashion on a regular basis:

  • Carrier invoices and billing information

  • Shipment tracking data

We utilize third party tools to track bugs and error messages as well as monitor traffic and application usage in an effort to improve the user experience within the application.

How does the Lojistic platform store data?

Data is stored in a highly secure database and file repository. All sensitive information is stored in an encrypted format.

Data is stored and segregated within the database based upon carrier credentials and account numbers. Multiple layers of access management ensure that the carrier data visible within each user account is limited to only the data related to that user’s linked carrier credential(s).

Lojistic is committed to maintain a secure environment for your data. In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have rigorous electronic, physical and managerial protocols to safeguard and secure your information.

How We Use Your Information

Internal use

Your data is used by Lojistic to feed the analytics, perspectives, reports and services that the application provides. In addition, your data may be used by Lojistic to identify optimization and saving opportunities specific to you, make product recommendations and/or perform related analyses.

Third party use

We do not share your underlying carrier data with any third party unless required by law, in which case we would first advise you of such and give your legal team the opportunity to advise.

Lojistic utilizes certain third-party applications to improve it services, monitor changes to the application, track feature usage, manage customer relationships, and better improve the customer experience. Limited information about your Lojistic account may be provided to facilitate the function of these third-party services. Under no circumstances is your underlying carrier data provided or accessible to these third-party applications.


Lojistic takes the security of its systems and user data very seriously. We follow industry standards and security best practices including server-side validation of all inputs, site-wide XSS protection, TLS encryption for all frontend requests, and infrastructure automation to ensure all configuration and security settings are applied uniformly.

Changes to Our Privacy & Security Statement

The Company reserves the right to modify or amend this data privacy and security statement at any time and for any reason. Nothing contained herein creates or is intended to create a contract or agreement between the Company and any person visiting the website who provides identifying information of any kind.

Children's Privacy Protection

The Company understands the importance of protecting children's privacy in the interactive online world. The website and software platform covered by this privacy and security policy is not designed for or intentionally targeted at children 18 years of age or younger. It is not our policy to intentionally collect or maintain information about anyone under the age of 18.

Responsible Bug Disclosure

At Lojistic, keeping user information secure is a top company priority. While our team works vigilantly to protect the integrity and security of our software, we also recognize the important role that external security researchers play in keeping software systems safe. More details are available in our Responsible Bug Disclosure Policy.

Questions and Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your privacy or security while using this website, please contact us.

Effective: July 17, 2008
Last Updated: October 12, 2020