Freight Audit Explained
A freight audit looks at all your bills and notes from transportation carriers. Then it makes sure that they're accurate. And by accurate we mean that you have a contract with each of these carriers. Were your charges correct? The invoice suggests that it delivered on a certain date, did it?
You may have bought certain things like lift gates, inside deliveries, or limited access fees. Were those charges accurate and did those things actually happen? A good freight audit would analyze the logistics to see if the correct services occurred. It also ensures that the charges on your bill for services are accurate.
Ensuring Trustworthy Results
What you should look for in your freight audits, so that you're sure you can trust the results, is visibility. If you asked me 10 times, visibility would hit the top of the list every time. Visibility, from your freight auditor, ensures accuracy. It also makes sure that they are providing you with the information that you're paying for.
A good freight auditor will show you what errors there are. They will show you what they did to recover those errors in your favor. Also, they will make sure that you have visibility to everything that they're doing. In the end, you should have accurate freight bills showing carrier services that you paid for. They should also show charges for the service that your freight auditor is providing.